martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

Project 2: TALE

On this practise we have to create or rewrite a tale with an inclusive values and a final moral.
We will use the Movie Maker to make our digital story.
The tale will be based on sexual identity and the title will be “My Name is Martin@”
The tale is about a girl called Martina, which feels like a boy. Her fathers are so tradicionals and they buy her many dolls and toys which supose that are girls games. When her fathers see Martin@ looking out the window how her friends are playing with the ball, they tell her that she should be playing with her dolls. But she is bored and she want to play with the boys.
One day playing with her friends during the break, she saw two partners playing with the ball and having fun and she want to play with them. Later, a new partner called Alex, who loves playing with dolls, arrived to her class. Finally, Martin@ understood that she fell like him and they played together.

Tale "My name is Martin@" :

Doing the illustrations: