In this project, we have to do it differents activities.
First, we had to do a few flashcards, later a mindmap and finally an interactive poster. We took the topic of the sport, in which we select different sports and group in four categories.
The flashcars we decide to do them with the program canva. We chose 20 different sports and translated them in English in addition we placed an image that was identifying this sport.
We did the mindmap with the program mindmeister because it turned out to be to us easy to use.
In this map, we divided twenty sports selected previously in four categories, racket sports , water sports, ball sports and athletic sport.
Interactive poster:
We decide to do an interactive poster with the program thinglink since we had not used it previously and we like to prove new things.
In the poster, we decide to make something different and that was interesting the students of 5 of primary. We decide to choose an out-standing Spanish sportsman of a sport of every category. In the poster we put the photo of the sportsman, a small description and a video seeing to realize his/her sport.
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