miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018
miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018
This practice consists in making a video giving a lesson in English to 3 children of primary. In the class, Anabel explains to the pupils the practice that we did on the flashcards.
In the first activity the children learn the different sports and since they gather in crowds according to his color in sports of racket, of water, of ball and of athletic.
Later, in the computer with the interactive poster Anabel teachers them some top athletes of every area: Bruno Hortelano of athletics sports, Mireia Belmonte of water sports, Garbiñe Muguruza of racket sports and The Spanish Football National Team of ball sports. She teaches his biography to them: his name, to which they devotes himself and which has gained prizes.
Finally, the children have to assign the image of the sportsman with the sport.
In the first activity the children learn the different sports and since they gather in crowds according to his color in sports of racket, of water, of ball and of athletic.
Later, in the computer with the interactive poster Anabel teachers them some top athletes of every area: Bruno Hortelano of athletics sports, Mireia Belmonte of water sports, Garbiñe Muguruza of racket sports and The Spanish Football National Team of ball sports. She teaches his biography to them: his name, to which they devotes himself and which has gained prizes.
Finally, the children have to assign the image of the sportsman with the sport.
viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018
In this lab we will create an image of virtual reality, which has been chosen to work with students of 5rd primary, this way will be fun and interactive.
To create the image we used an application called ROAR, in which we can transform a simple image into an image with elements of virtual reality that help us to work using ICT´s. The theme we have chosen for students are the professions.
We have chosen this topic because we think it is important that children knowmore about the chosen professions because cause them intrigue (fireman, doctor, dentist and police).
To start the activity, students must download the application such and follow the instructions we've put on the flyers. When they scan the proposed image will appear these professions and information of these.
Finally, we think that it is a way different and very fun to teach students things that will make sure they are involved in the activity and learn interactively.
To create the image we used an application called ROAR, in which we can transform a simple image into an image with elements of virtual reality that help us to work using ICT´s. The theme we have chosen for students are the professions.
We have chosen this topic because we think it is important that children knowmore about the chosen professions because cause them intrigue (fireman, doctor, dentist and police).
To start the activity, students must download the application such and follow the instructions we've put on the flyers. When they scan the proposed image will appear these professions and information of these.
Finally, we think that it is a way different and very fun to teach students things that will make sure they are involved in the activity and learn interactively.
viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018
In this project, we have to do it differents activities.
First, we had to do a few flashcards, later a mindmap and finally an interactive poster. We took the topic of the sport, in which we select different sports and group in four categories.
The flashcars we decide to do them with the program canva. We chose 20 different sports and translated them in English in addition we placed an image that was identifying this sport.
We did the mindmap with the program mindmeister because it turned out to be to us easy to use.
In this map, we divided twenty sports selected previously in four categories, racket sports , water sports, ball sports and athletic sport.
Interactive poster:
We decide to do an interactive poster with the program thinglink since we had not used it previously and we like to prove new things.
In the poster, we decide to make something different and that was interesting the students of 5 of primary. We decide to choose an out-standing Spanish sportsman of a sport of every category. In the poster we put the photo of the sportsman, a small description and a video seeing to realize his/her sport.
martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018
Project 2: TALE
On this practise we have to create or rewrite a tale with an inclusive values and a final moral.
We will use the Movie Maker to make our digital story.
The tale will be based on sexual identity and the title will be “My Name is Martin@”
The tale is about a girl called Martina, which feels like a boy. Her fathers are so tradicionals and they buy her many dolls and toys which supose that are girls games. When her fathers see Martin@ looking out the window how her friends are playing with the ball, they tell her that she should be playing with her dolls. But she is bored and she want to play with the boys.
One day playing with her friends during the break, she saw two partners playing with the ball and having fun and she want to play with them. Later, a new partner called Alex, who loves playing with dolls, arrived to her class. Finally, Martin@ understood that she fell like him and they played together.
miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018
Project 1 and presentation: ICTs AROUND THE WORLD

We are six students of Integrating Skills.
We are group 8 and our names are Anabel, Estefanía, Elena, Adriana, Álvaro y Aaron.
We expect of this subject learn, have fun and enriching our English.
The first work we have done is a poster that gives information without the need for words, just images.
The theme that we have chosen is ICTs around the world. We have decided to do so on this subject because the technology is more and more present in our day and we want to compare the use of ICTs in education in different countries.
The two countries that are headed in Europe in the use of technology in schools are United Kingdom with 71% and Spain with a 52%.
The two countries led in South America are Costa Rica with 52% and Chile with 42%.
We have seen that the technologies are used more in Europe than in South America.
On the other hand, we observe as Finland despite having one lower use of these ICT with a percentage of 27%, they obtain an academic performance much more remarkable and effective than the rest of the countries compared.
The process carried out has been the following:
First day: Organization, choice of topic and selection of information.
Second day: Development of practice and results.
Third day: Presentation.
Information which we used in the accomplishment of this work has been extracted from a study of the International University of Valencia called. United Kingdom and Spain head the European ranking of computers for student and of use of the ICT in the classroom.
We compare the 2 countries most used ICT in Europe and the two most used as tics in South America.
Finland is which gives best results with the use of ICTs in education despite being the 5 in the European ranking.
Reino Unido y España encabezan el ranking europeo de ordenadores por alumno y de uso de las TIC en el aula | VIU. (2015, 18 marzo). Recuperado de
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